Welcome to the

Fan Zone


Click the image above and join Grant Thompson and the Race Face Team as we discuss upcoming races, plus we break down the performance after the checkers have fallen, all of this and more in just 5 minutes. 

Stay Connected with Grant

  • Race Face Driver Updates

  • Race Face Spotlight

To all the fans, supporters, and sponsors: 
“Thank you for all you have done.
We are just getting started!”  

Become a FAN...

Over the last six years, Grant has assembled a huge fan base and he is deeply appreciative of their support.  Make sure to check out Grant's schedule, and if you are in the area, we invite you to stop in and say Hi! 


Get Connected

Connect with Grant at the following Social Media Platforms. Make sure to Like our Page and Share with your racing friends.


Grant Logo 2

Autographed Hero Cards

We have an autographed Hero Card just waiting for you!  Simply fill out the form below and Grant will send it to you as fast as he drives!